Brianna L. Norton Offering timely guidance on the junction of the opioid crisis and infectious[...]
Mario F. Mendez The ability to effectively assess cognitive and other behavioral functions is an[...]
James C. Grotta, Gregory W Albers, Joseph P Broderick, Scott E Kasner, Eng H. Lo,[...]
Salvatore Mangione, Peter Sullivan, MIchael S. Wagner For more than 30 years, the highly regarded[...]
Andre Barciela Veras, Jeffrey P. Kahn Offering an up-to-date perspective on the complexity of mental[...]
Claudio Sorino, David Feller-Kopman, Giampietro Marchetti Using a unique, case-based approach, Pleural Diseases: Clinical Cases[...]
Deepak L. Bhatt Authoritative, portable, and up to date, Opie’s Cardiovascular Drugs, 9th Edition, is[...]
Roy E. Strowd In the growing field of neuro-oncology, the past few years have witnessed[...]
Andrew E. Budson, Paul R. Solomon With a focus on the practical, day-to-day tools needed[...]
Parveen Kumar, Michael L Clark The latest addition to the Kumar & Clark family, this[...]
Vamsidhar Velcheti, Salman R Punekar Early recognition and management of adverse effects of cancer treatments[...]
Heflin, Potter, Warshaw, Mcnabney Written with first-line primary care providers in mind, Ham’s Primary Care[...]
Allan L. Klein, Mario J. Garcia Accounting for more than 40% of all heart failure[...]
Rick D. Kellerman, David Rakel Designed to suit a wide range of healthcare providers, including[...]
Subhadra Nori, Michelle Stern, Se Won Lee Offering a strong focus on investigative methods and[...]
Joseph Jankovic, John C Mazziotta, Scott L Pomeroy, Nancy J. Newman A practical, dynamic resource[...]
American Society of Echocardiography Edited by a team of leading echocardiography experts and endorsed by[...]
Robert D Lovinger More people are being treated for substance abuse each year, creating[...]
Zelalem Temesgen, Larry M. Baddour, Stacey Rizza Written specifically for non-infectious disease specialists in both[...]