Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 11th Edition

Robert M. Kacmarek; James K. Stoller; Al Heuer

Designed for optimal student learning for over 40 years, Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 11th Edition provides you with the strong background you need to succeed in the field of respiratory care. Nicknamed “the Bible for respiratory care,” it helps you gain a thorough understanding of the role of respiratory therapists, the scientific basis for treatment, and clinical applications. Comprehensive chapters correlate to the most up-to-date 2015 NBRC Detailed Content Outline for the TM-CE to successfully prepare you for clinical and credentialing exam success. Always in step with the ever-changing field of respiratory care, this easy-to-read new edition features five new chapters, as well as new information on online charting systems, patient databases, research databases, meaningful use, simulation, and an expanded discussion of the electronic medical record system.



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